Skywheel is a simple map of the sky that shows at a glance the positions of the sun, moon and planets at your current location.
The top half of the wheel shows the sky above the horizon; the bottom half shows the sky below the horizon.
The bodies of the solar system shown on the wheel include:
- The Sun
- The Moon
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto
More exact position data can be found on the Details List screen, such as::
- Distance from Earth
- Apparent Diameter
- Compass Bearing
- Azimuth
- Altitude
- Right Ascension
- Declination
- Celestial longitude and latitude
The times of upcoming phenomena are shown on the Events screen, including:
- Sun Rise
- Sun Set
- Moon Rise
- Moon Set
- Moon Phases
- Equinoxes
- Solstices
- Eclipses
Change the place and time to view historic or future skies.
Perfect for the armchair astronomer in the family.